SEIP – Software Engineering in Practice @ICSE 2023
The Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) Track is the premier venue for practitioners and researchers to discuss insights, innovations, and solutions to concrete software engineering problems. Practical software development relies on excellent software engineering research.
SEIP provides a unique forum for networking, exchanging ideas, fostering innovations, and forging long-term collaborations to address Software Engineering research that impacts directly on practice. It is one of the most prestigious forums in which to publish work in the Software Engineering literature. SEIP will include participants and speakers from both industrial and academic sectors, drawing together researchers and practitioners eager to communicate and share common interests in software engineering. The track will be composed of invited talks, paper presentations, and interactive sessions, all with a strong focus on software practice.
Please note that the ICSE SEIP track does NOT require double-anonymous review. Unlike other ICSE tracks, it is often important for SEIP paper authors and the organisations involved to be visible to the reviewers in order for the reviewers to fully understand the industrial relevance and context.